Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 12:00 - 14:00
DescriptionCentre for organic production Selenča (COPS) is founded by private and legal persons who are closely connected with the primary agricultural production, processing, transport, storage and marketing of the organic products. COP Selenča initiated numerous activities oriented towards the development of ecological agriculture and socio-economic development of the region. The vision of Centre for Organic Production Selenča (COPS) is positioning of cluster as a regional recognizable innovative cluster that strongly support the development of organic agriculture sector, in line with the new trends and good practice of the leader countries. COPS gather 217 members, individuals and legal entities. The members are classified into three basic sectors: raw material base, producers and processors; and five supporting sectors: 1) research and development; 2) NGO sector; 3) media; 4) consulting firm; 5) other. Since its establishment, COPS has realized various projects that have been recognized and supported by a number of donor institutions. The projects have been successfully implemented and the majority of donors continue its cooperation with COPS. The COPS has been financed through the projects granted by relevant donors.
Organization Type
Email info@organiccentar.rs
CitySelenča, Maršala Tita 179 Google map
Areas of Activities