Lidija Maurović Košćak


Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday 15:00 - 17:00

The Center for the Development of Ecological Agriculture is a newly established association that brings together organic producers, supporting institutions and supporting industries. The association has 46 founders, and the number of members is in continuous growing. The aims of the Association are the development of organic production and processing, and marketing of organic products; protecting the interests of producers, processors and retailers of environmental products, protecting the interests of consumers of organic products and other subjects in the field of improvement of health, organic, agrotechnical and market conditions and criteria for the development of organic agricultural production, processing, placement, distribution, promotion and consumption of organic products.




The Association was created as a result of the ORGANIC BRIDGE project funded by IPA INTERERG Croatia-Serbia.


Centar za razvoj ekološke poljoprivrede je novoosnovana udruga koja okuplja ekološke proizvođače, potporne institucije i prateće industrije. Udruga ima 46 osnivača, a broj članova je u kontinuiranom rastu. Ciljevi Udruge su razvoj ekološke  proizvodnje i prerade, te trženja ekološkim proizvodima;  zaštita interesa proizvođača, prerađivača i trgovaca ekoloških proizvodima, zaštita interesa potrošača ekoloških proizvoda te ostalih subjekata u području unaprjeđenja zdravstvenih, ekoloških, agrotehničkih i tržišnih uvjeta i kriterija za razvoj ekološke poljoprivredne proizvodnje, prerade, plasmana, distribucije, promocije i potrošnje ekoloških proizvoda.


Udruga je nastala kao rezultat projekta ORGANIC BRIDGE finaciranog iz programa IPA INTERERG Croatia-Serbia.





Organization Type Cluster, Other
Organization Size1-10
CityJosipovac, Ante Starčevića 3, Google map
Areas of Activities

Agriculture and Food


    Organic agriculture developemnt

    We are interested in international projects that are supporting development of organic agriculture.